Starting on 23rd October I will be running regular Friday Morning online meditation sessions. Time: 8.30 – 9.00am.
These session are suitable for both beginners and more experienced practitioners. We will practise a simple but effective meditation technique used in Tai chi and Qi Gong. This is known as Wuxi meditation. It has a cleansing effect on your body, re-balances your nervous system, quietens your mind, and helps regulate your emotions.
Good meditation practise is not just about relaxation. It is about finding the centre of the mind, using good body posture and breathing exercises as a foundation. In our Friday morning meditation online sessions we will practise in 3 stages. First we will stretch and open the spine and joints, then we will use breathing and sound vibration techniques, and then we will practise finding and holding the quiet space within ourselves. This will be a lovely, calming, lying down meditation that will set you up for the weekend.
You will need a mat to lie on, warm clothes and/or a blanket. It is important not to get cold during meditation exercises. For more information have a look at my meditation page: https://www.taichibodyandmind.co.uk/wuxi-meditation/
These online meditation sessions are provided by UWE Move and they are open to all. So whether you are a student, staff member, or member of the public you are welcome to join us.
The first two sessions will be free of charge – just email me on claire@taichibodyandmind.co.uk to get the zoom link. After that you will need to pay. You can either join UWE MOVE for a one-off fee, or you can pay as a guest for each class. Details of the MOVE scheme can be found here: https://www.uwe.ac.uk/life/activities/sport/membership-options/move