Monday evening classes have moved to the main hall at Glenfrome Primary School. The class remains the same – Tai Chi & Qigong exercises for beginner and intermediate levels. However the time is now 7.00 – 8.00pm.
Glenfrome is very well located and has great access to a number of different neighbourhoods in the city. It is close to Muller Road, the M32, and has good local cycle and walking links to Eastville, Easton, Ashley Down, Horfield, St Werburghs, and Lockleaze. Parking is available in the staff car park via Cottisford Rd.
Monday evening class details:
When: Monday 7.00 – 8.00pm (term time)
Where: The main hall, Glenfrome Primary School
What: Tai Chi based Qi Gong. These are health exercises from the Taijiwuxigong system, as taught by Dr Shen Hongxun.
Cost: £11.00 per session. (or £10 per session if you pay termly)
Who: All are welcome, whatever your age or experience – we will start with the basics, and everyone works at their own pace.
Covid precautions for in-person classes:
If you think you have Covid – or have carried out a positive test – please do not come to class.
If you would like to come along to Monday evening classes at Glenfrome, you are more than welcome. The hall is large, but places are limited so you will need to register in advance. Please email me to register on claire@taichibodyandmind.co.uk. If you have any questions about whether this class will be suitable for you, I will be more than happy to discuss with you.
If this does not work for you, please see my classes page, for other online and in-person options.